Step 122 begins a series of modifications that handles the Enter key inserting a new line. The first step is to rename editorAppendRow to editorInsertRow and add a new parameter.
Now this, in and of itself, is fine. Inserting a line at some arbitrary point in the file is a generalization of appending one at the end, so it makes sense to use the guts of editorAppendRow to create editorInsertRow.
Where things go off the rails (IMO) is in step 123, where we are supposed to go through the code, and modify all the old calls to editorAppendRow to the corresponding editorInsertRow. Now there are only two places to change, so this isn't a huge modification to the codebase. However, I see two problems with it:
- It harms the readability of the code, editorAppendRow has a clearer meaning when we're specifically adding a line to the end of a file
- It's actually unnecessary
We can create a new implementation of editorAppendRow quite simply:
static inline editorAppendRow(char* line, ssize_t linelen) { editorInsertRow(E.numrows, line, linelen); }
Much, much better